Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Beautiful and inspiring blog

I follow many Scandinavian blogs and admire their simple and stylish posts but pictures in this blog:
are more than beautiful..
Such a great taste, very professionally made photos and such a cute family. 
Love, love, love! 
all pictures are from

Sunday, March 4, 2012

kids looking good!

Ühelt poolt on lahe kui beebid on ikka lapse moodi ja armsalt, õrnalt riietatud.
Väga ootamatult kasvavad nad aga suuremaks, olles väikelapse mõõtu ja siis on imelik neid titamoodi riietada. Siis tärkab ema riiete ja stilistika armastus ning lapse garderoob on kordi lahedam kui enesel.
Mulle meeldivad väikeste inimeste väikesed lahedad (kuid siiski mugavad) riided.
Cute, cute, cute!
Pictures 1-7 from and the last one (also such a beautiful blog with great pictures)