Friday, October 29, 2010

kuradi tasakaal, ma ütlen

Nii ilus inimene! Pidin kohe siia panema.
Täna on olnud rõõmu ja kaotust. mulle kohe eriti eriti ei meeldi kui kallid asjad kaduma lähevad, eriti kui nad pole just niisama "asjad", vaid kingitud. brrrrr :(
Aga jah, rõõmu on ka, sest mõnikord on tore kui sisetunne ütleb õigesti ning kõik on täpselt nii nagu peab..
(pic via

Friday, October 15, 2010


- Available: nope
- Animals: Mõmsik the cutest

- Beer: no no no
- Birthday: good emotions, great wishes, bjuutiful flowers
- Best Friend: interesting, yes I have, I guess
- Body Part on opposite sex: mmm, legs, eyes, hair, limber..
- Best feeling in the world: kissing my man
- Best weather: warm, sunny and windy autumn weather
- Been in Love: yes!!!
- Believe in Magic: hmm..
- Believe in God: my inner God :)

- Candy: not really
- Color: grey & black, bright, multiple colors together
- Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate
- Chinese/Indian/Italian Food: Thai! Indian. 
- Cake or pie: small piece of cake (usually too sweet)
- Continent to visit: South- America, Africa and always Asia..
- Cheese: yes, yes, yes!

- Day or Night: early morning and late night
- Dancing in the rain: no. why?

- Eyes: sparkle
- Ever failed a class?: almost at narcotics course :D
- First thoughts waking up: is it sunny?
- Food: I really enjoy eating yummy food.. like salads, soups etc.
- Goals: many! to start being more active and develop self-discipline..
- Get along with your parents? Sure, they are the greatest!

- Hair Color: medium blonde
- Happy: I am
- Holiday: with someone special in new surroundings, continents..

- Ice Cream: sometimes, but not really
- I am: much more emotional than I thought..

- Jewelry: big bangles, an old brooch
- Job: scientist/make-up artist/photographer/studio owner/parent etc.

- Kids: yes
- Kickboxing or karate: don't like
- Keep a journal? basically yes, started again lately

- Laughed so hard you cried: yes, sure!
- Milk flavor: with coffee, yes!
- Movies: like like
- McD’s: nope. 
- Music: YES! the ultimate exhilarator! The best thing ever.

- Number: 28

- One wish: having many

- Perfect Pizza: with ham, onions, cheese.. made by J.
- Pepsi/Coke: Jaffa!
- Perfection: there isn't

- Reason to cry: disappointment, anger, deep emotions
- Reality T.V.: no 
- Radio Station: R2

- Song: some good dnb, I definitely need new music..
- Shoe size: 36-37
- Sushi: yes yes yes!
- Strawberries/Blueberries: all berries!

- Tattoos?: no
- Time for bed: I would love to go at 22.00 but never succeed
- Thunderstorms: amazing! love them. (not in Asia- scary)

- Unpredictable: boring
- Understanding: have to improve

- Vacation spot(s): Paris, Vanuatu?

- Weakness: everybody has them. Mine - over controlling
- Who makes you laugh the most: different people, J. and H., H.
- Worst Weather?: very cold, humid, windy, dark.

-Year it is now: 2010 ? Great year.
-Yellow: sometimes yes

found via, vastused ikka minu omad!

Good Morning!

Suht lahe, sajab lörtsi, tuul ulub ja viimased lehed on kohe-kohe puudelt kadunud.
Mõnus on istuda toas, klishee- kakao/kamina võtmes.
Aiii laik it!
pic by Carter Smith

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

how low can you go?

Hämmastav on illusioonides elava inimese järjekindlus.
Hämmastav on ka vanemaealise inimese enesekindlus noore mittehuvitatud inimese kimbutamisel ja ahistamisel.
Hämmastavalt oskuslik oli külma viisakuse pööramine millekski ebareaalseks ja romantiliseks.
Hämmastavalt nahhaalne on tungida teise inimese eraellu.
Hämmastab ka suht hale reaktsioon tegelikule reaalsusele.
Keskealised naised on liik, keda mina ei mõista.
Mõni eksemplar on lihtsalt kurb.

Friday, October 8, 2010